Inspired by a friend’s project that started last year, I decided that I would run at least 10 new trails this year. It is so easy to reach out to the old standbys, but I love to explore, and without a specific training plan it was easy to run whatever distance or location sounded interesting at the moment. My goal was 10, but with all the traveling we did, I ended up with far more. Here are the first 10, which are all accessible in a day trip from home.
1) Alpine Lakes Loop – Snowy Range (Medicine Bow- Routt National Forest, Wyoming)
I had never been up to the Snowy Range, and it did not disappoint. I loved that I could leave the trailhead and within minutes be in alpine terrain. Being above treeline is my happy place. This area was a 3-hour drive from home, so although it was Wyoming, it was actually much easier to get to than some other regions of Colorado.

2) Medicine Bow Peak Loop – Snowy Range (Medicine Bow- Routt National Forest, Wyoming)

3) Hahns Peak – North of Clark, Colorado
This wasn’t a planned route, but a wildfire changed our summer adventure plans, and staring up at this peak from a nearby campsite, it seemed like a fun morning trip.

4) Buffalo Mountain Loop – Eagles Nest Wilderness, Colorado
This loop had been on my list for the last year. I had heard it was beautiful, and it was. The wildflowers were spectacular, and it was a great mountain loop without huge distance.

5) Rogers Pass to Forest Lakes Loop – Indian Peaks Wilderness, CO
This is a loop that has been on my radar for quite a while. For many reasons, it hasn’t worked out until this year. Those trestles were sketchy though, and I’m not sure I need to repeat this one.

6) Hope Pass from Sheep Gulch and Willis Gulch
We did this from both sides on two different days because Kili monster is not 20 miles in one day kind of dog.

7) Finch/Pear Lakes – Wild Basin – Rocky Mountain National Park
I love fall runs up in Wild Basin, but I hadn’t yet been up to these lakes. I crossed them off my list, but for scenery and fun running, they were nice, but not my favorite lakes in the area.

8) Buffalo Wilderness Loop – Buffalo Peaks Wilderness – Park County, CO
Okay, I didn’t even know Buffalo Peaks Wilderness existed. There are no soaring peaks, no stunning alpine lakes, but this was a really great run. This wilderness contains Colorado’s largest herd of bighorn sheep. Sadly, we didn’t see any that day.

9) Thunder Lake – Wild Basin – Rocky Mountain National Park
It was a very windy day up at the lake, with whitecaps on the water. The descent back down the trail was a blast, and this is probably my favorite trail to run in Wild Basin. I still think Bluebird Lake is the best for scenery, but it isn’t nearly as runnable.

10) Goose Creek Loop – Lost Creek Wilderness
This. Was. Stunning. The perfect trail to wrap up my 10 trail project, it had been on my to-do list for years and was so worth it.

I hope to continue this project next year and continue exploring new areas. Now is the season I start dreaming and scheming about all the possibilities ahead. Where will you go?